The grant, renewable for up to five years, will fund an Environmental Science and Justice Laboratory, Environmental Justice Center, Climatology Lab, Ozone Garden, and heavy metals lab, and provide housing and internship stipends for qualifying students.
Born and raised in the far west suburbs of Chicago, Steven Schwartz, 65, spent a decade working as a tool and die maker before enrolling in college and eventually finding his way to Fort Lewis College, where he's spent nearly 30 years. Learn about his journey and what inspired him to step up as interim president.
More than 400 people attended the inaugural Summit, aimed at fostering awareness and unity around regional climate interests and building resilience to climate change.
They faced lockdowns, masks, and a relentless barrage of rules and regulations, often helping their professors manage online classes as they traversed the turbulent waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 370 graduates walked at Spring Commencement.
Nearly 180 research projects students shared through live presentations, posters, and videos during the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium.