Finding my path
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Glenwood Springs, CO
Year: Senior
Over the years my answer to the question, what do you want to be when you grow up?, was constantly changing: from being a marine biologist to a forensic pathologist and even a geologist. In my freshman year at Fort Lewis I declared a political science major and with that I thought I had finally found my answer to the question – I wanted a career in politics. As a high school senior I discovered that my passion for foreign affairs and politics was something I ultimately wanted to pursue in college.
Growing up in Mexico I was also constantly exposed to politics; my dad was highly involved in state and local politics working on campaigns and serving in public office. I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps and dreamed about the day in which I too would run for public office. Majoring in political science seemed like the best way to help me achieve that. Little did I know that even though I was passionate and dedicated to this goal, my four-year journey at Fort Lewis College would change my plans.
I have no doubt that all my different experiences at FLC have guided my passion for politics and helped shape a new career path for me. In my involvement on campus working with our Hispanic resource center, student government and as a student employee for academic advising and admissions, I have had the opportunity to work closely with the student body in many different capacities. The more and more I worked with students and learned about the inner workings of educational institutions the more passionate I became about issues in education.
As I frantically started to draft out my plans for life after college, I reconnected with a friend I met in Washington D.C. who suggested I look into a program called Teach For America. That same day I began to research the program and found out that their mission is to work towards education equality so that kids growing up in poverty get an excellent education. They recruit a diverse group of leaders to teach for two years in low income communities in various regions across the United States.
After looking into the program for several days I decided I would apply. The admission process is highly selective and over the past three years their acceptance rate has averaged below 15 percent. I will admit that after seeing the admission rate, I became discouraged but decided to move forward with my application knowing that it would be worth it to get to be part of such a great program.
After a long application process and two interviews, I was accepted into the Teach For America 2014 Corps and I have accepted a position in the TFA Colorado Corps where I will be teaching bilingual education in Denver. My plan is that after completing my two year commitment with TFA, I will attend graduate school for public policy.
I still cannot believe that after graduating in May I will return to the classroom in the fall not as a student but a teacher. I guess it is true – it is all about the journey and not the destination. My journey at Fort Lewis has helped shaped me in many ways as a student and an individual and ultimately redirected my career goals.