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Grant awards from August 2016 - October 2016

Grant awards from August 2016 - October 2016

Over three months, nine faculty and staff members received grants for their programs and departments, ranging in size from $69,344 to $1.75 million.

Rebecca Austin, Associate Professor, Anthropology, received $214,328 from the National Park Service, Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit for “Ethnographic Survey of African American Homesteading in Lanfair Valley, Mojave National Preserve, California” to fund ethnographic research over a two year period.

Ryan Haaland, Professor and Department Chair, Physics/Engineering, received $936,000 over five years from the National Science Foundation as a subaward with CU Boulder for “Science and Technology Center on Real-Time Functional Imaging (STROBE)” to broaden participation by under-represented students in imaging science through term / summer research, internships and bridge programs, and outreach to K-12 students and teachers to prepare students in fundamental math and science related to imaging science.

Bryant Liggett, Director, KDUR, received $114,715 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Community Service Grant to fund station operations and programming for 2016-2017.

Don May, Professor, Physics/Engineering, received $240,000 over five years from the National Science Foundation as a subaward of Colorado State University for “Colorado Alliance for Minority Participation” to fund academic support for minority students in STEM disciplines.  

Don Rabern, Visiting Professor, Physics Engineering, received $1,750,000 from the U.S. Department of Education, Title III, Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions program for “Expanding STEM Opportunities for AI/AN and Low Income Students through High Impact Educational Practices.”  The five-year award will develop a new Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Engineering degree program, enhance the College’s undergraduate research infrastructure, and build on existing support services at the Native American Center. 

Les Sommerville, Professor, Chemistry, received $69,344 from the Society for Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics  and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) for “Science Scholars: The Native American Path (SSNAP),” which will fund travel expenses for up to 30 Native American students to attend the 2016 SCANAS National Conference.

Heidi Steltzer, Associate Professor, Biology, received $299,017 over three years from the U.S. Department of Energy as a subaward with the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to fund basic research in “Watershed Function SFA: Biogeochemical Dynamics from Genomes to Watershed Scales.” 

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