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Great classes, nice people, mountains and bluegrass

Great classes, nice people, mountains and bluegrass

I will never stop loving Fridays. Since I moved to Durango there has been an amazing freedom that I feel every Friday. Yesterday my Friday started as most days do: woke up early, made tea, listened to some bluegrass, and sat on my front porch getting some early morning Durango fresh air and sunshine. After breakfast and a chat with my roommates, I walked a few minutes to the bus stop where I waited with a few friends who live near by. The bus turned up shortly and I arrived on campus with enough time to refill my coffee in the Student Union and catch up with some friends at the Environmental Center.

In my first class of the day—21st Century Medical Issues—we were discussing the issue of abortion. Needless to say, the topic makes for quite an interesting class discussion. It’s times like these when I most appreciate studying at a liberal arts college—in this class of 25 students, majoring in everything from philosophy to biochemistry to exercise science, we all are able to contribute different perspectives and backgrounds creating such an engaging discussion. The professor’s job—and she does it well—is simply to facilitate discussion in such a way that even if people in the class disagree, everyone’s voice is heard and we are able to develop a deeper understanding of such complex matters.

My next class was my Sociology Senior Seminar—my favorite class. I do my best work in interactive, discussion-based classes rather than lectures—which is why I love this class so much. Most of the students in my class are about to graduate with degrees in sociology, so not only have I been taking classes with most of them for four years, but we are all experiencing the thrills of graduation together. In this class, we have a dream group every Friday. Our professor is an expert at dream analysis and it is such a valuable personal experience for me to talk about dreams in the classroom setting. 

After class, I got some lunch on campus, a local James Ranch burger from the Rocket Grill in the Student Union. After lunch I went to a meeting with the Fort Lewis College Biodiesel Club. My involvement in extracurricular activities such as the Biodiesel Club has been a great way for me to stay involved and engaged on campus while doing what I can to help the planet. I took the afternoon to meet up with some friends and go for a short hike that overlooks the beautiful town of Durango.

Friday night I went out to dinner with my friends to Carvers Brewing Company and then to a great bluegrass concert in downtown Durango. This was just another typical Friday for me; friends, engaging classes, good discussion, beautiful views and good times.

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