Sandra Bailey, Director of Academic Excellence at Oregon Tech and a Degree Qualification Profile (DQP)/Tuning Coach with The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), provided expertise and resources on Designing Meaningful Assignments to Improve Student Success.
Workshop with Co-Curricular Programs on using NSSE/BSSE to advance student success.
Does the student experience align with the perception of faculty? What does the NSSE/FSSE data tell us about our students and how can we use this information to improve our courses and programs? What potential actions might faculty take to close any gaps?
Integrate three key elements of effective teaching—identifying significant learning goals, implementing engaging instructional activities, and analyzing/reporting findings to multiple stakeholders – to move from compliance to meaningful student learning.
How the Assessment Committee and LAC might collaborate to engage faculty, through faculty development activities, in the use of assessment findings.
UNLV’s Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education project (TILT Higher Ed) has identified transparent, problem-centered instruction as a replicable intervention that significantly enhances students' success, with greater gains for historically underserved students.
Review the findings and find opportunities for faculty members to apply transparent principles to their assignment.
Tessa CreatiniPhone: 970-880-1420Email:
The Assessment Committee offers assessment aid and peer consultation to faculty, staff, and students.
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