This is a group of FLC Psychology students who want to create community, get together to play games, and get involved in psychology. This is your chance to get involved right from the beginning. Psych Club meets weekly in EBH 218, which is the official psychology student lounge and is open for you to eat, study, or just hang out. It is YOUR space in EBH. Email Dr. Alex Borgella to get involved.
Applications are now being taken for membership in Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. It was founded in 1929 for the purpose of promoting excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Psi Chi members are eligible for research grants and can proudly wear an honors cord at graduation. Psi Chi members can pick up their honors cord from Dr. Alex Borgella the semester of their graduation.
In order to join Psi Chi, you MUST:
If you are eligible and would like to join Psi Chi, you must complete this application AND write a check payable to Dr. Alex Borgella by Oct. 14.