As a Psychology major, you are eligible for two scholarships through our department, although there are more scholarships through Fort Lewis College. Visit the FLC Foundation & Departmental Scholarships page for more information, deadlines, and the application.
The Harold and Rita Mansfield Scholarship is awarded to a full-time sophomore or higher class (freshman cannot apply), majoring in Psychology, with a 3.00 minimum GPA and financial need. Award amount varies up to $500-$1000 per academic year. Only one or two awards given each year.
Scott C. Whiteside Scholarship is awarded to any class level student who has and maintains a minimum 2.00 GPA. Preference to psychology majors interested in law enforcement or field in criminal justice system. Award amount varies up to $500.
Apply for these scholarships
Cheryl Carson Outstanding Psychology Student Award ($1,000 awarded to 1 student) The psychology department’s top student.
Willard O. Bowman Award Graduating Senior who shows most promise to contribute to the discipline of psychology.
Rita and Harold Mansfield Scholarship ($1,000 awarded to 1 or 2 students) A need- and merit-based scholarship by application only.
Robert Wageman Memorial Scholarship Student who shows sustained excellence in psychology research and coursework
Anderson H. Henio Research Award Student who completes outstanding independent empirical research project
Psychology Scholar-Athlete Award Student who shows sustained excellence in psychology coursework while competing as a varsity athlete
Marilyn S. Leftwich Community Service Award Student who makes significant contributions to the community while maintaining academic work
Janet L. Jones Distinguished Scholar Outstanding papers from Senior Research or other psychology classes
Cheryl Carson Outstanding Psychology Student Award ($1,000 awarded to 1 student) The psychology department’s top senior student
Willard O. Bowman Award Graduating Senior who shows most promise to contribute to the discipline of psychology
Rita and Harold Mansfield Scholarship ($1,000 split between 1 or 2 students) A need- and merit-based scholarship by application only.
Mental Health Advocacy Award Student that shows great commitment to advocating for the mental health of their classmates.
Field School Award Outstanding dedication to using psychology in the real world to help disadvantaged communities
Cheryl Carson Outstanding Psychology Student Award $1,000 awarded to 1 student
Rita and Harold Mansfield Scholarship A need- and merit-based scholarship by application only.
Cheryl Carson Psychology Department Outstanding Student Award ($1,000 award) Overall best graduating student
Willard O. Bowman Award Graduating Seniors who show most promise to contribute to the discipline of psychology
Anderson H. Henio Research Award Graduating Seniors who complete an outstanding research project in psychology
Rita and Harold Mansfield Scholarship ($1,000 award) A need- and merit-based scholarship by application only.
Robert Wageman Memorial Scholarship (final year of this award) Student who shows sustained excellence in psychology research and coursework
Psychology Scholar-Athlete Award Student who shows sustained excellence in psychology coursework while competing as a varsity athlete.
Marilyn S. Leftwich Community Service Award Students who make significant contributions to the community while maintaining academic work.
Janet L. Jones Distinguished Scholar Outstanding papers from Senior Research or other psychology classes.
All graduating seniors that were accepted to RMPA:
Psychology Department Outstanding Student
Anderson H. Henio Research Award Graduating Senior who completes outstanding research project in psychology
Rita and Harold Mansfield Scholarship ($1000) A need- and merit-based scholarship by application only.
Robert Wageman Memorial Scholarship ($885); Student who shows sustained excellence in psychology research and coursework (This scholarship ended in 2018-2019; there are no remaining funds)