Dean Ernest H. Bader

Majors in 1936

# of Students

Dean Ernest Bader Veterinary Medicine
Home Economics
Business Administration


E.H. Bader arrived at Fort Lewis in 1915 to serve as Director of Industrial Work and Farm Manager. He taught agriculture courses and served as Assistant Dean until 1934 when he succeeded G.F. Snyder as Dean of Fort Lewis. Dean Bader continued to serve Fort Lewis until 1948 when he was forced to resign.

Dean Bader and his wife Mary had five children, Margaret, Ames, Clay, Floy and Bill, who were raised at Fort Lewis. All but Bill attended Fort Lewis College in the 30s and 40s. Clay and his wife Jean (Kelly) Bader were recognized as Outstanding FLC Alumni in August 1998.


Vocational School Students

The vocational education program began in 1938 for students that had not completed high school and were from the age of 18 to 25. In later years those students that had completed high school could take a maximum of 12 hours of work for college credit.

vocational students vocational students building sidewalks
Vocational students study livestock feeding

Vocational students built sidewalks and constructed a 32' X 190' dormitory that housed 50 vocational students.

Excerpt from 1939 Colorado State College Bulletin:

The National Youth Administration and the State Board for Vocational Education cooperated with the State Board of Agriculture to make vocational training available at the Fort Lewis Branch of the Colorado State College.

Purpose- This work is organized for making it possible for young men of limited finances, who are interested in agriculture and farm building to receive practical training for their work.

Training- It is believed that the most effective learning is "learning by doing." It was with this in mind that the requirement was made that each boy perform every job that needs to be performed on a modern farm a sufficient number of times to become proficient in doing that job. Further more, as far as possible, the scientific principles involved are discussed at the time the job is performed.

Upon enrolling, students are given tests in English, Arithmetic, Science, Reading and Social Science, and part of the classroom program is planned for the purpose of removing any deficiencies which are found on the part of any student. This instruction is limited to those fundamentals which it is believed are essential for living in a democracy and to efficient service in the vocation chosen.

Another very valuable phase of the training program is the work for pay. This work embraces every phase involved in the construction of a building. An experienced builder is in charge and time is devoted to studying the problems that arise in the building work which is being done.

Excerpt from the 1940 Colorado State College Bulletin

The National Youth Administration and the State Board for Vocational Education are cooperating with the State Board of Agriculture in making vocational training available at the Fort Lewis Branch of the Colorado State College.

Purpose.-This work is organized for young men of limited finances, who are interested in agriculture and farm building construction, and for young women interested in homemaking training.

Training for Men

Training in Building Construction.-Under the guidance of an experienced carpenter the vocational students have constructed a 32'xl9O'dormitory. This building will house fifty vocational students. About thirty are living in it at the present time. In addition to training in construction skills this project is a laboratory in which much valuable information is gained regarding low-cost farm structures. Other construction work is planned for the future.

Training in Agriculture.-Approximately one half of the student's time is devoted to training in agriculture and related subjects. The related training consists of classes in practical English, science, arithmetic, and citizenship. The work in agriculture is made more practical by a program of cooperative farming. The profits from this activity, which consists in growing crops and breeding and fattening livestock, are divided annually among the students in proportion to the number of hours each has worked


The students are paid from funds appropriated by Congress to the National Youth Administration. The Fort Lewis College sponsors the project and furnishes supervision and instruction. Each youth is paid thirty dollars a month, from which his board and lodging which cannot exceed twenty-two dollars, is deducted. If the student avails himself of the social and athletic activities of the college he has additional charges to pay.

Who may enroll:

Enrollment is open to young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. In order to enroll, a written application must be made on forms which will be furnished upon request.

It is not necessary for applicants to be graduated from high school. Training varies to meet the individual's background of school and other experience. Those who are high-school graduates may take a maximum of five hours of work for credit by paying the necessary fees.


Periods.- Students may enroll anytime from May to September or during the month of January. It is advantageous to enroll for at least one year.

Bedding and Clothing.

Students must furnish their own work and dress clothes and bedding above the mattress.



Homemaking.- Requirements for admission in the vocational homemaking project for girls are similar to those for vocational boys; namely, a girl who has reached the age of eighteen and is under twenty-five may enroll.

Training is given through work projects and class instruction. The work projects give training in cooking, sewing, housekeeping, laundering, canning and care of dairy products,

Class instruction is offered in grooming, art in the home, sewing, cookery, housekeeping accounts, family relationships, buying, home furnishing, child care, home care of the sick, and personality development.

The 1947-48 Fort Lewis Catalog shows that Vocational Training was no longer offered. It was most likely replaced by the Veterans Institutional On-the Farm Program after the War.

Campus Map 1940 Gymnastics Team 1942
campus map 1940

gymnastics team 1942

Group to the left:
Kelly Hammond
Richard Steele | Noland Alexander
Roy Craig | Lucious Thorton
Group to the right:
Ken Periman
Phil Parkinson | Frank Wancura
Roy Ludwig | Marvin Miller
This map was placed in the Colorado State College Bulletins beginning in 1940.  

Mighty Moo

Mighty Moo travel bus
Mighty Moo was purchased in 1949 to haul teams, special classes and clubs. It also made two round trips to Durango each day at 6 am and 5 pm. The bus had a Hereford Steer painted on the back end.

Experimental Farm

horse drawn farm implementThere are records of animals and vegetable gardens on the "old Fort" property back to the 1880s. In 1893 C.C. Duncan, United States Indian Inspector, reported that 65 acres was being cultivated by the school. During the year it produced 18 tons of oat hay, 17,350 pounds of potatoes, 200 pounds of turnips, 2973 pounds of onions, 240 pounds of beans and 2700 pounds of other vegetables. The school also owned 7 horses, 4 swine, and 36 domestic fowl.

By 1900, two hundred acres were under cultivation and all but 15 of those were irrigated. According to records, in 1903 the school owned "8 horses, 1 mare, 1 pony, 44 cattle, 38 calves, 2 bulls and 6 good pigs." The cattle were branded with I.D.F.L. indicating ownership by the Department of Interior and Fort Lewis School.

In 1911, twenty pedigreed Holstein dairy cows arrive from the former Teller Indian School at Grand Junction.

In 1916, Colorado A&M established a branch experiment station at Fort Lewis, specializing in high-altitude agronomy and horticulture research.

Excerpt from 1917 Fort Lewis School Catalog.: Students and instructors take their meals at a central dining room where is served home-butchered pork and beef, fresh vegetables from the garden, butter, cream, milk and buttermilk, fresh from the school's own dairy. The school is largely self-supporting from the standpoint of food.

In 1923, experimental orchard planted. Trees included cherries, plums, crab apples, and six varieties of apples. The first Farmers Institute (field day) to share information from agriculture research was also held in 1923.

1925 Catalog excerpt:


The school has a fine herd of registered Hereford cattle, a herd of Holsteins for dairy purposes, good Oxford and Rambouillet sheep, Duroc-Jersey hogs and fine Percheron horses.these are used by the boys in their stock judging studies.

Experimental Work

The Colorado Experiment Station has two men at Fort Lewis in charge of experimental work with grains, grasses, clovers, peas, potatoes, small and orchard fruits, and of livestock investigations.

Floy Bader gathering eggs 1940

Floy Bader gathers eggs in the 1940s

Farm Women's Vacation Camp

From June 16-18, 1946 the 5th Annual Farm Women's Vacation Camp was held at Fort Lewis College for 35 women and the home demonstration agents of La Plata and Montezuma counties.

Farm Womens vacation camp 1946

This picture was taken at the camp in front of Lory Hall (girls dormitory):